If you have a child who will be 11 by 31 August 2024 you should register with your Local Authority and list 六肖中特期期准 as a preference. Online applications will open during the Summer of 2023, at this time you should make your application with your Local Authority and check with their Admissions Service for further details and deadlines.
All children who list 六肖中特期期准 Academy as a preference with their Local Authority will be invited to sit a Non Verbal Reasoning Test. This is not a pass or fail test. There is not a separate registration form for the NVR test. Children must sit this test to be considered for a place at 六肖中特期期准, testing will take place November 2023.
All invitations will be posted at the beginning on November 2023, if you do not receive an invitation to a testing session by mid November 2023 you must contact the Academy, due to the large number of applications the Academy is unable to check that each individual applicant has received their invitation to a testing session. It will be assumed that applicants who fail to attend their scheduled session no longer wish to be considered for admission to 六肖中特期期准 Academy for Year 7 2024.
Further information about Sporting Aptitude Testing, which is an optional test, and our Information Evenings will be available in June 2023. Our Information Evenings are held in September and October each year. Please note attendance to the Information Evenings is by appointment only, you will be able to book a place from June 2020 if you wish to attend.
Should you have any queries or wish to receive a copy of the Admission documents through the post, please contact Miss Duncombe (Admissions Officer) by email: nduncombe@sandwellacademy.com or post: Admissions Officer, 六肖中特期期准 Academy, Halfords Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B71 4LG. Please ensure that the correct postage is paid for the size of the envelope used.
Should you have any queries or comments please contact Miss Duncombe (Admissions Officer) by either:
Email: nduncombe@sandwellacademy.com
Or by post:
Admissions Officer,六肖中特期期准,Halfords Lane,West Bromwich,West Midlands,B71 4LG.
Please ensure that the correct postage is paid for the size of envelope used.